Air Scrubber Plus®

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ranked indoor air pollution among the top five environmental dangers. The quality of indoor air can be two - five times (and even up to 100 times) more polluted than the worst outside air.
Air Scrubber Plus® with ActivePure™ technology reduces up to 99.9% of the harmful contaminants throughout your home.

Protect your Home and Family

Air Scrubber Plus® ensures that air ducts, tables, furniture, countertops, bathrooms, doorknobs, and practically every surface you touch is cleaner and safer for your family. It’s as simple as turning on your fan, furnace, or air conditioning system.
Once installed, Air Scrubber Plus® goes to work right away by copying the power of nature outside to clean your home inside. As air passes through the unit, it is transformed by our unique technology. ActivePure™ scrubbers then travel through the ductwork into every corner of your home, effectively treating and purifying the entire house.

Product Information

Air Scrubber Plus® Brochure: Click Here

Laundry Scrubber Brochure: Click Here
